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Blossoming Wisdom
How many pulses,
how much life force
does it take from seed to bloom?
And never does the flower ask:
Am I too big?
Are my colors too bright?
Is it ok to be true, beautiful?
It blossoms, ever-opening in its season,
perfect way, striking in sweet scent,
innocent and pure in delicate petal, detail
unfurling to wholeness again
and again and again.
Autumnal Equinox
In Vermont, it is often a quick change from tank tops to sweaters, the suddenly cool air fresh on cheeks and contracting shoulders, our bodies instinctively folding inward to sustain core heat, preparing us for the long journey into less daylight and deep cold.
It is the last week of summer and even the clouds are turning to autumn, as pumpkins appear at farmer’s markets and strawberries are but a passing taste of barely remembered June. Despite its colorful warmth, there is a melancholy in the arrival of orange in the landscape, as it always foreshadows November’s grey suit and winter’s long, white blanket.
New Year’s Meditation
Photo courtesy of Bill Schmoker
This day is fresh.
No wrinkles from the past,
nor pain anchored
in the minutes and hours ahead.
There is only an abundance of spring leaves
aglow in sunlight.
Purity of birdsong.
A blaze of feathers
in red-wing blackbird’s flight.
All invitations
to live
More photos by Bill Schmoker can be found at: